WordPress Logging Helper Recently I developed a simple plugin, and to ease debugging – I decided to create a simplistic logging solution. This came in the form of a helper class, that I...
Gutenberg Quiz For a customer we needed to have a quiz – multiple questions with multiple answers each. So I developed a Gutenberg block and its JavaScript (clean JS) functionality. The block...
Gravity Forms custom checkbox element Recently, for a customer project we needed to create a custom checkbox element for Gravity Forms, which lists all entries of a specific custom post type as check boxes. During...
Simple Masonry This sill achieve a simple masonry layout, similar to those of Pinterest. The grid will be three rows in large screen sizes, two rows in medium screen sizes and one...
A letter from the dev team I currently work for a marketing agency, and web development is just one of many services it provides. So we (the small dev team) have been struggling with not so...
Gutenberg Block Deprecation A huge source of annoyance is the above message. Usually a simple click is enough to resolve it. Not always. This usually happens when you change the HTML generated by...
The Hal Paradox This has probably happened to everyone, not just in IT – when you start working on one thing, find another problem, which leads to another, and in four hours you’re...
Allow apache access to user’s folders Usually I prefer using a virtual machine for this type of work, but with the recent projects I work on, it’s better to have apache installed on the machine I...
Resources This will be a list of useful articles and resources, I’ll continuously populate. The idea for this is to contain stuff I don’t need to remember, or bookmark across the...
Linux debugging cheat sheet I gotta admit – I “stole” this from nixCraft. But it’s so brilliant, I just need to share/keep it.
Casting As a not so experienced PHP dev – there are plenty of things I learn on daily basis, but one thing I should really remember using is casting.Basically casting i...
BASH Red prompt 2022 edit – this needs revisiting – do not repeat! The code bellow breaks the prompt!OK, so this is mainly for personal use. When logging via SSH to a certain...