Elasticsearch cheat sheet
Search Count AND query OR query Query with date range Multiple Queries Or a query inside a query Sort by a date containing field Query with regex Point In Time This generally creates a snapshot of the current data set, so data will be consistent during pagination, thus ensuring changing the data won’t affect the…
Odroid Sensors
Not long ago I bought an Odroid ARM based mini PC, and among many issues, turned out that the system uses some rather strange scheme for controlling the fan speed. And since I’m pretty tired of constantly finding about this issue (after reinstall) and scouring the forums to find the solution again:
“Kubernetes network isn’t reliable”
Recently, while trying to figure out an extrelemly annoying problem I was having with Kubernetes – I stumbled upon this marvel of a github issue. So if you ever need explaining why I hate k8s – here’s one. Link
Shoshin (Japanese: 初心) is a concept from Zen Buddhism meaning beginner’s mind. It refers to having an attitude of openness, eagerness, and lack of preconceptions when studying, even at an advanced level, just as a beginner would. The term is especially used in the study of Zen Buddhism and Japanese martial arts, and was popularized…
List VirtualBox VM’s shared folders
In my current job we work heavilly with kubernetes clusters, working on a minikube master. As part of out internal toolkit for managing these, I needed to get a full list of the machine’s shared folders. Unfortunately – it seems that VirtualBox does not support this in their CLI tools, so I had to improvise.…
Left join with query builder
In my “new” job – we’re working entirely with Symfony, thus I decided to get my hands dirty and rewrite my eternal “Car Expenses” project in Symfony. What I found challenging was finding how exactly to make joins in doctrine. So after some digging, trial and error, ended up doing this – code is in…
Oh, shit, Git?!
A wonderful cheat sheet shared with our team by a colleague of mine. O, shit, git?! Yeah, thanks, Niki!
PHP Recursive copy/delete functions
In a recent project I needed quite often to delete or copy whole directories. And since PHP doesn’t seem to have such – I created these: Remove Directory Copy Directory
New Bike
So for the first time in nearly ten years – I got myself a new bike. It’s a brand new (also for the first time) Propain Tyee – an enduro bike with relatively low end build , but with great geometry. I’ve already had few chances to test it and it’s a bit heavy –…
Pull GitHub repository with code
I’m currently developing a company WordPress plugin platform, which should allow you to update and manage company proprietary plugins without making them public in WP’s plugin repository.As part of it – I need to be able to pull said plugins from their GitHub repositories. This is the method that does the heavy lifting: So as…
Gutenberg Custom Post Block
WordPress FSE is still in its infancy and its functionality for archive loops is really limited. We needed a query loop that displays different content under different circumstances, which neither the Query Loop block or the Post Template block supports. So the solution was to create a custom block. The block creation shows the usual…